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Here's The Alberta Filming Locations For Episode 6 Of 'The Last Of Us' (PHOTOS)

There was a major change of scenery!

The Last Of Us star Gabriel Luna in Canmore. Right: Canmore Engine Bridge.

The Last Of Us star Gabriel Luna in Canmore. Right: Canmore Engine Bridge.


Episode six of The Last Of Us has just aired and this episode saw a major shift out of the city and headed into Alberta's stunning mountains.

The sixth episode – "Kin" – was largely filmed in universities in Calgary as well as Canmore, which was turned into the town of Jackson, Wyoming.

In the episode, Joel (Pedro Pascal) and Ellie (Bella Ramsey) are joined three months after they escaped from Kansas City and the pair are making their way to Wyoming to find Joel's brother, Tommy.

If you haven't seen the episode, there may be spoilers ahead.

Canmore Engine Bridge

One spot that has been seen in the show since the initial teaser trailer released in August 2022, was Canmore Engine Bridge. As Joel and Ellie cross "the river of death," the pair is seen crossing over the iconic bridge.


Canmore was totally transformed into the town of Jackson, Wyoming where Joel had an emotional reunion with his younger brother Tommy, played by Gabriel Luna. Luna also shared some photos from his time on set.

Pascal and Ramsey also shared their love for Canmore, with both naming the town as their favourite spot they visited while filming the show.

Mount Royal University

Joel and Ellie continue their journey from Jackson to the University of Eastern Colorado where they are meant to be meeting a group of Fireflies but instead run into some enemies.

Some of these university campus scenes were filmed at Calgary's Mount Royal University.


Mount Royal wasn't the only Calgary university to be seen on screen in this episode. SAIT was also used for more scenes set at the University of Eastern Colorado. The university shared photos of some of the wild sets built on campus.

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