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A Naked Man Is Reportedly Following Students Around This University Campus In Alberta

The university said safety is a "top priority."

Mount Royal University.

Mount Royal University.


Students at a university in Alberta have been reporting some strange incidents happening on campus with a naked man being seen and even reportedly following some students.

This article contains content that may be upsetting to some of our readers.

Mount Royal University told Narcity that four incidents had been reported since September — two of someone peering into residence windows and two reports of a "naked man near residence."

A student Instagram account that is not affiliated with the university – MRU Chatter – has seen students posting about the alleged naked man.

Another student who didn't want to be named for safety reasons told Global News that a friend had been "chased" by the naked man after leaving a party.

"We got a text saying she saw this person that was naked and at first our friends took it as a joke but then she said: 'No, I need help. I need someone to come get me,'" they told the news outlet.

“We shouldn't feel like we need to be walked to our house that's 20 metres away from a friend's house at night," they added.

In a statement, a spokesperson for MRU said the university was taking the reports seriously and "understands student concerns about safety on campus" and said the safety of students and staff is a "top priority."

It added that security had increased patrols around East and West Residences and it is working closely with Calgary Police on the issue.

Support and resources are also being given to students and staff.

The university also urged anyone who sees any "concerning behaviour" on campus to report it to Calgary Police and Campus Security.

If you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual assault, call the Assaulted Women's Helpline at 1-866-863-0511. You can also contact support services for male survivors of sexual assault at 1-866-887-0015. If you need immediate assistance, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital. Support is available.

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