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4 Alberta Schools Just Got Ranked Among The Top Sugar Baby Universities In Canada

"The average student will receive a monthly allowance of $2,925."
Staff Writer

The number of sugar babies in Canada is on the rise and it looks like Albertan university students are among the masses. According to data released by a famous sugar daddy website, SeekingArrangement, four Alberta schools ranked among the top sugar baby universities in Canada. The data might surprise you at first but it’s not really that shocking when you break it down. 

For those of you who don’t know, a sugar baby is a man or a woman that often receives gifts, cash, or material benefits from a wealthy individual. 

There is no one way to define a sugar baby relationship, as each is unique and each person sets their own rules and parameters. 

According to the recent study by SeekingArrangement, four Alberta schools have been listed as being in the top sugar baby universities in Canada. 

At first, this may seem shocking. But when you consider how much school costs, living expenses, and how difficult it can be to get ahead without knowing the right people, it begins to make sense. 

In fact, sugar babies rose by 44% in Canada in 2019 compared to 2018. 

Out of the entire world, Canada has the third-largest population of members on SeekingArrangment. 

According to the data released by the poplar website, Mount Royal University, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, MacEwan University, and the University of Alberta all have a high sugar baby attendance. 

The first Alberta school to be mentioned on the list is the University of Alberta which came in third on the top 20 list. According to the data, the school has 729 student members on the website.  

Mount Royal University, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, and MacEwan University came in 15th, 19th and 20th place respectively with 300, 270, and 267 members. 

The list of 20 schools provided by SeekingArrangement has the University of Toronto in the number one spot, with 1,158 members. 

Alongside this data, SeekingArrangement also released information on how much the average sugar baby was being paid. 

According to the info, the average student will receive $2,925 monthly among other benefits that could include travel, gifts, or networking opportunities. 

The website states that because new grads are carrying an average of $26,000 in debt, “it makes sense that the number of college Sugar Babies seeking Sugar Daddies on SeekingArrangement rose 6 percent from the previous year in 2019.”

Out of Canada’s entire sugar baby membership, 998,456 are female and 225,165 are male. 

There are also 250,789 sugar daddies and 32,546 sugar mommas. 

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