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This Canadian University Is Offering A Course About Taylor Swift & Her 'Literary Legacy'

Taylor Swift's Literary Legacy (Taylor's Version) is coming in Fall 2022.

​Taylor Swift. Right: A Queen's University building.

Taylor Swift. Right: A Queen's University building.

Senior Writer

There's a Canadian university that's offering a course about Taylor Swift that will examine her "literary legacy."

If you're a student at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, you can try and get into a new course so you can study Swift's music, the literature she references, her films and her music videos!

According to the Toronto Star, the topic of Queen's University's cultural studies course changes each year and the subject matter depends on the instructor.

For the Fall 2022 session, the course will be Taylor Swift's Literary Legacy (Taylor's Version) which is a reference to Swift re-recording her old albums to regain ownership of her work.

The course description that's available online said it will "explore Swift's cultural impact" by examining her songs as literature.

The goal of the course is for students to have an understanding of the intersections of literary and cultural studies by exploring Swift's work through literary theories and by discussing her impact on contemporary culture.

Readings will include songs from her nine studio albums and texts that she references in her work like Romeo and Juliet, Jane Eyre and The Great Gatsby.

Also, students will be expected to independently watch Swift's documentaries Miss Americana and Folklore: The Long Pond Studio Sessions, her short film All Too Well: The Short Film and several of her music videos.

The instructor for this course is Meghan Burry, a PhD candidate and teaching assistant in the English department at Queen's University.

"I think she has struggled to be taken seriously," Burry told the Star. "I think it is overdue for a literary course on her."

According to the Star, there are 75 spots in the course and registration opens in the summer.

This isn't the first time this year that there's been a connection between Swift and a Canadian university.

In February, the music video for Ed Sheeran's song "The Joker And The Queen" which features Swift was released and it has an aerial shot of the University of New Brunswick's Fredericton campus!

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