Five more years for Docherty at BU


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One of Canada’s longest-serving university presidents will continue leading Brandon University as president and vice-chancellor.

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This article was published 14/07/2023 (309 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current.

One of Canada’s longest-serving university presidents will continue leading Brandon University as president and vice-chancellor.

In a unanimous decision, the BU Board of Governors approved the renewal of David Docherty’s contract for a second five-year term.

Docherty came to BU in 2019 from Mount Royal University in Calgary, where he served as its president for eight years.

Brandon University president and vice-chancellor David Docherty's contract has been renewed for a second five-year term. (Submitted)

Brandon University president and vice-chancellor David Docherty's contract has been renewed for a second five-year term. (Submitted)

During his leadership, Docherty has obtained an expansion of BU’s nursing and psychiatric nursing programs, and led the creation of Mamaawii-atooshke aakihkiwiin, the university’s strategic plan.

Docherty is a true BU booster who has an inspiring vision for the future of the community and cares deeply about the people who make up our campus, said Julee Galvin, chair of the BU board of governors.

“David’s unique combination of deep experience and outside perspective makes him a wonderful fit at Brandon University,” Galvin said in a news release. “We are a small campus where everyone has to wear many hats, and David’s keen ability to lead these complicated and overlapping relationships has been key to our success in his first term.”

Brandon University provides access and opportunity for students in the region, empowering everyone across campus to contribute, Docherty said.

“These next few years are filled with energy and promise. We have brilliant students, engaged alumni and dedicated faculty and staff who I know have the same desire I do to see BU recognized as the great institution we are, with our remarkable history and bright future that we have,” Docherty said in a news release. “I love Brandon and I love Brandon University; being president here is the greatest job in the world.”

Docherty’s new contract continues his existing salary and other compensation, which is based on his academic rank as a full professor plus a presidential stipend.

Brandon University will also celebrate its 125th anniversary during this second term, over the 2024–25 academic year.

» The Brandon Sun

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