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Les invités de Mediapart

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1234 Billets

15 Éditions

Tribune 22 mars 2024

Les invités de Mediapart (avatar)

Les invités de Mediapart

Dans cet espace, retrouvez les tribunes collectives sélectionnées par la rédaction du Club de Mediapart.

Israël : contre la décision de suspendre la professeure Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian

Plus de 600 universitaires du monde entier se mobilisent en soutien à la professeure Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, suspendue par l'Université hébraïque de Jérusalem suite à des propos jugés critiques sur l'État d'Israël. « La persécution de la professeure Shalhoub-Kevorkian pour cette interview est une preuve supplémentaire que les établissements d'enseignement supérieur israéliens sont devenus un outil entre les mains du gouvernement israélien d'extrême droite, qui cherche à faire taire toute critique ».

Les invités de Mediapart (avatar)

Les invités de Mediapart

Dans cet espace, retrouvez les tribunes collectives sélectionnées par la rédaction du Club de Mediapart.

Nous, universitaires, chercheur.se.s, enseignant.e.s affilié.e.s à des institutions académiques du monde entier, sommes préoccupés et stupéfaits par la décision de l'Université hébraïque de Jérusalem (UHJ) de suspendre la professeure Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian de ses fonctions d'enseignement suite à son interview pour le podcast « Makdisi Street ». 

Cette décision est une atteinte flagrante à la liberté académique qui nécessite de remettre en cause toute collaboration avec l'UHJ.

Dans la lettre envoyée à un membre de la Knesset israélienne, les professeurs Asher Cohen et Tamir Sheafer, président et recteur de l’UHJ respectivementfa, déclarent que l'UHJ est « une institution israélienne, publique et sioniste », clarifiant ainsi que la UHJ donne la priorité au conformisme politique sur la liberté académique.

Cette lettre et une publication supplémentaire de l'université constituent une reconnaissance du fait que l'adhésion aux valeurs sionistes et à un ensemble d'opinions et de positions est une condition préalable pour travailler et mener des recherches à l'UHJ. 

Quant aux autres allégations formulées à l'encontre de la professeure Shalhoub-Kevorkian, elles reprennent de faux arguments avancés par des associations fascistes et diffusés par les médias israéliens. Rien dans l'interview de la professeure Shalhoub-Kevorkian ne peut être interprété comme une incitation, une menace ou un soutien au terrorisme ou au racisme. Elle ne nie pas non plus l'attaque du Hamas contre le sud d'Israël le 7 octobre. Cette interview présente une critique d'Israël.

La persécution de la professeure Shalhoub-Kevorkian pour cette interview est une preuve supplémentaire que les établissements d'enseignement supérieur israéliens sont devenus un outil entre les mains du gouvernement israélien d'extrême droite, qui cherche à faire taire toute critique d'Israël et cible les dissidents politiques, en particulier les Palestiniens.

Par conséquent, à moins que l’UHJ ne revienne sur sa décision, nous, soussignés, déclarons que nous ne collaborerons plus avec elle à l'avenir.

Nous ne pouvons pas soutenir - par le biais de recherches collaboratives, de conférences et de visites de recherche - une université qui persécute les membres du corps enseignant qui ne s'alignent pas sur le gouvernement israélien. Nous ne souhaitons pas non plus que notre travail soit compromis par des collaborations avec une université qui déclare suivre une ligne politique et la fait primer sur la liberté académique.

Il est également essentiel de noter que la lettre des Profs. Cohen et Sheafer a été envoyée à un moment où la campagne militaire israélienne sur Gaza - que la CIJ a jugé plausible d'assimiler à un génocide - a coûté la vie à plus de 30 000 Palestiniens, selon les registres des hôpitaux, la majorité d'entre eux étant des femmes et des enfants.

La lettre exprime l'indignation de la professeure Shalhoub-Kevorkian qui considère l'attaque de l'armée israélienne contre Gaza comme un génocide.

Pourtant, à ce jour, nous n'avons entendu aucune critique de la part de UHJ concernant le refus d'Israël d'autoriser l'entrée de l'aide humanitaire et la privation de nourriture des Palestiniens vivant à Gaza. L'université n'a pas non plus fait entendre sa voix lorsqu'Israël a démoli des universités et pris pour cible des universitaires palestiniens.

Les déclarations déshumanisantes et dangereuses des hommes politiques israéliens ont également été accueillies par le silence. L'écart entre le silence de l’UHJ sur les crimes commis par Israël, d'une part, et son attaque virulente contre les membres de la faculté qui critiquent Israël ne peut que nous faire douter de son intégrité en tant qu'institution de recherche.  

En conclusion, tant que l’UHJ ne reviendra pas sur sa décision de suspendre la professeure Shalhoub-Kevorkian et ne déclarera pas son engagement en faveur de la liberté académique et de la recherche indépendante, nous refuseront de collaborer de quelque manière que ce soit avec cette université. 

Pour signer la tribune, c'est ici


We, academics, researchers, and teachers affiliated with academic institutions around the globe, are concerned and dismayed at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s (HUJI) decision to suspend Prof. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian from teaching duties following her interview on the podcast “Makdisi Street.” 

This decision is an egregious attack on academic freedom that requires questioning any collaboration with the HUJI. In the letter sent to a member of the Israeli Knesset, Prof. Asher Cohen and Prof. Tamir Sheafer, HUJI’s president and rector, state that the HUJI is “an Israeli, public, and Zionist institution,” thus clarifying that HUJI prioritises political conformity over academic freedom. This letter and an additional publication by the university are an admission that adherence to Zionist values and a set of opinions and positions are a pre-condition for working and conducting research at HUJI. 

As for other claims made against Prof. Shalhoub-Kevorkian, they seem to reiterate false arguments made by fascist organisations and disseminated by Israeli media. Nothing in Prof. Shalhoub-Kevorkian’s interview can be interpreted as incitement, threat, or support of terror or racism. Nor does she deny Hamas's attack on the south of Israel on October 7. This interview presents a critique of Israel. Persecuting Prof. Shalhoub-Kevorkian for this interview serves as additional proof that Israeli higher education institutions have become a tool in the hands of Israel’s extreme right-wing government, which seeks to silence any critique of Israel and targets political dissidents, especially Palestinians.

Consequently, unless HUJI retracts its decision, we, the undersigned, declare that we will not collaborate with it in future. We cannot support – through collaborative research, conferences, and research visits – a university that persecutes faculty members who do not align with the Israeli government. Nor are we interested in having our work undermined due to collaborations with a university that declares it follows a political line and prioritises it over academic freedom.

It is also crucial for us to note that the letter by Prof. Cohen and Prof. Sheafer was sent at a time at which the Israeli military campaign on Gaza – which the ICJ has found plausible to amount to genocide – has taken the lives of more than 30,000 Palestinians, according to hospitals registry, the majority of which are women and children. The letter expresses outrage towards Prof. Shalhoub-Kevorkian’s understanding of the Israeli army’s attack on Gaza as genocidal, yet to date, we have not heard any critique from HUJI about Israel’s denial of entry of humanitarian aid and starvation of Palestinians living in Gaza. Nor has the university made its voice heard when Israel demolished universities and targeted Palestinian scholars. Dehumanising and dangerous statements made by Israeli politicians were also answered with silence. The gap between HUJI’s silence about crimes committed by Israel, on the one hand, and its vocal attack on faculty members who criticise Israel cannot but make us question its integrity as a research institution. 

To conclude, until HUJI retracts its decision to suspend Prof. Shalhoub-Kevorkian and declares its commitment to academic freedom and independent research, we declare our refusal to collaborate in any form or way with the university. 


1. Professor Dirk Moses, The City College of New York

2. Professor Micaela Frulli, University of Florence

3. Professor Kalypso Nicolaidis, European University Institute

4. Professor Nacira GUÉNIF,  Université Paris 8, LEGS

5. Professor Michelle Farrell, School of Law and Social Justice University of Liverpool

6. Ariella Aïsha Azoulay, Professor of Comparative Literature, Brown University

7. Professor Tamir Sorek, Penn State University

8. Menachem Klein, Professor Emeritus, Bar Ilan University 

9. Professor Julie Billaud, The Geneva Graduate Institute

10. Professor Gal Kober, Bridgewater State University

11. Joel Beinin, Donald J. McLachlan Professor of History, Emeritus, Stanford University

12. Benoit Challand, Associate Professor, New School for Social Research

13. Johanna Ray Vollhardt, Associate Professor of Psychology, Clark University 

14. Professor Yehouda Shenhav, Tel Aviv University

15. Professor Avi Kaplan, Temple University 

16. Laura M. De Vos, Assistant Professor, Radboud University

17. Professor Agata Lisiak, Bard College Berlin

18. Muna Saleh, Associate Professor, Concordia University of Edmonton

19. Professor Omer Bartov, Brown University

20. Professor Hagit Borer, Queen Mary University of London

21. Professor Atalia Omer, The University of Notre Dame 

22. Professor Dorit Naaman, Queens University 

23. Professor Marwan Hassan, UBC

24. Mathias Delori, Associate Research Professor, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

25. David Lloyd, Distinguished Professor of English, University of California, Riverside

26. Professor Zainab Saleh, Haverford College

27. Professor Dayan-Herzbrun Sonia, Université Paris Cité 

28. Mostafa Minawi, Associate Professor, History, Cornell University

29. Professor Penny Green, Queen Mary University of London 

30. Professor Helga Tawil-Souri, NYU

31. Professor Cathal Seoighe, University of Galway

31. Professor Rebecca Karl, New York University

32. Hakiki Bahia, Professoressa, Università di Firenze Italia

33. Professor Michael Reagan, Rutgers University 

34. Andrew Ross, Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis, New York University

35. Professor Saoirse Nic Gabhainn, University of Galway, Ireland 

36. Jenna M Gibbs, Associate Professor of History, Florida International University 

37. Shira Robinson, Professor of History and International Affairs, The George Washington University

38. Ron Smith, Associate Professor, Bucknell University

39. Nahla Abdo, Chancellor's Professor, Carleton University
40. Johnny E. Williams, Professor of Sociology, Trinity College

41. Roberto Filippello, Assistant Professor of Media and Culture, University of Amsterdam
42. Sergio Rigoletto, Assistant Professor of Film Studies, University of Groningen, Netherlands 

43. Rebecca Alpert, Professor of Religion Emeritus, Temple University 

44. Nayrouz Abu Hatoum, Assistant Professor,  Concordia University

45. Annelies Moors, Prof.em., University of Amsterdam

46. Professor Haim Bresheeth-Zabner, SOAS, University of London

47. Professor Pnina Motzafi-Haller, Ben Gurion University

48. Professor Frances S. Hasso, Duke University

49. Dr. Sara Koopman, Assistant Professor, Kent State University 

50. Professor Tirtza Even, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

51. Meg Ryan, Assistant Professor, Trinity College Dublin

52. Lennie Hanson, Assistant Professor, New York University

53. Maggie Ronayne, Assistant Professor,  Department of Archaeology, University of Galway

54. Marianna Ritchey, Associate Professor, Umass Amherst

55. Professor Lev Grinberg, Ben Gurion University 

56. Nooraiman Khan, Associate Professor, Colgate University

57. Françoise Vergès, Senior Fellow Researcher, Sarah Parker Center, UCL, London 

58. Professor Irus Braverman, School of Law, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York 

59. Professor Roy Wagner, ETH Zurich

60. Professor Derek Doherty, Trinity College Dublin

61. Francesca Biancani, Associate Professor, University of Bologna 

62. Frances Tanzer, Rose Professor of Holocaust Studies and Jewish Culture, Clark University 

63. Mikael Wolfe, Associate Professor of History, Stanford University 

64. Lieks Hettinga, Assistant Professor in Gender and Sexuality, Leiden University

65. Jacob Engelberg, Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam

66. Professor Haim Yacobi, University College London

67. Professor Damian McCormack, University College Dublin

68. Begoña Sangrador-Vegas, Associate Professor, University of Galway

69. Benedict Seymour, Senior lecturer, Goldsmiths University of London

70. John Sheehan, Senior Lecturer, University College Cork

71. Dr. Angela Flynn, University College Cork

72. Dr. Marion Werner, University at Buffalo, State University of New York

73. Dr. Ana Ivasiuc, Independent scholar

74. Dr. Anne Marie Devlin, University College Cork

75. Dr. Sharon Lambert, University College Cork, Ireland

76. Dr. Paola Rivetti, Dublin City University

77. Dr. Lana Sirri, Amsterdam University 

78. Dr. Robbie Smyth, Griffith College

79. Dr. Suzanna Chan, Ulster University

80. Dr. John Murray, Maynooth University, Ireland

81. Dr. David Landy, Trinity College Dublin

82. Dr. Marie Petersmann, LSE Law School

83. Dr. Patrick Brodie, University College Dublin

84. Dr. Nicola Fox Hamilton, IADT

85. Dr. Himmat zoubi, EUME - Forum Transregionale Studien , Berlin

86. Dr. Des, Queen’s University, Belfast 

87. Dr. Joss Moorkens, Dublin City University

88. Dr. Aoife Titley, Maynooth University 

89. Dr. Tzachi Slonim, Adelphi University 

90. Dr. Cian Ó Concubhair, Maynooth University, School of Law & Criminology

91. Dr. Mercedes Carbayo Abengozar, Maynooth University

92. CHIKHI Lounes, Senior Researcher (DR1), PhD, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Université Toulouse 3

93. Dr. Moahmmed Bahey-El-Din, University College Cork

94. Dr. Adrian Howlett, Trinity College Dublin

95. Dr. Greaves, University College Dublin 

96. Dr. Rory Rowan, Trinity College Geography

97. Dr. Romm Lewkowicz, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology

98. Dr. Kathryn Medien, The Open University 

99. Dr. Yoav Shemer-Kunz, University of Strasbourg 

100. Dr. Susan McDonnell, ATU Sligo

101. Dr. Federica Bueti, Piet Zwart Institute and Università del Mediterraneo

102. Dr. Eilish Dillon, Maynooth University, Ireland

103. Dr. Dalit Baum, AFSC

104. Dr. Alice Feldman, University College Dublin

105. Dr. Anneke Newman, University of Ghent

106. Dr. Féilim Ó hAdhmaill, University College Cork, Ireland

107. Dr. Amit Gvaryahu, Princeton University

108. Dr. Meira Gold, New York University

109. Dr. Sarah Brazil, University of Geneva 

110. Dr. Audrey Bryan, Dublin City University

111. Dr. Salim Abbas, University of Rome / la Sapienza 

112. Dr. Mary Rambaran-Olm, unaffiliated/Independent

113. Francois Burgat, Dr. Former DR CNRS IREMAM

114. Dr. Nasrin Khandoker, University College Cork

115. Dr. Deirdre Kelly, Technological University Dublin

116. Dr. Mikael Fernstrom, University of Limerick

117. Dr. Ronit Lentin, Trinity  College Dublin (ret)

118. Dr. Laliv Melamed, University of Groningen

119. Dr. Nick Riemer, University of Sydney

120. Dr. Sara Farhan, University of Northern British Columbia

121. Dr. Michal Sapir, an Independent scholar

122. Dr. Peter Collins, St Mary's University College ( -retired)

123. Dr. Rola Abu Zeid-O'Neill, University College Cork 

124. Robin Averbeck, Doctor of American History, CSU Chico

125. Dr. Dianne Kirby, Blackfriars Hall, Oxford University

126. Dr. Lorraine Grimes, Maynooth University 

127. Dr. Caterina Peroni, CNR IRPPS Italy

128. Dr. Tal Dor, CENS/LEGS France

129. Dr. Revital Madar, Postdoctoral Fellow, European University Institute 

130. Dr. Laurène Le Cozanet, European University Institute

131. Dr. Alayrac Pierre, European University Institute

132. Dr. Alexander Mesarovich, European University Institute

133. Dr. Leonhard Schaefer, Associazione di Amicizia Italo – Palestinese

134. Dr. Harry Browne, TU Dublin

135. Dr. Umayma Diab, an Independent researcher 

136. Dr. Sadia Agsous-Bienstein, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

137. Dr. Greta semplice, University of Torino

138. Dr. Arianna Lissoni, University of the Witwatersrand

139. Dr. Anya Topolski, Radboud University

140. Dr. Gabriele Wadlig, European University Institute

141. Dr. Eran Zelnik, California State University, Chico

142. Dr. Michal Huss, Durham University

143. Dr. Livnat Konopny-Decleve, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

144. Dr. Erella Grassiani, University of Amsterdam

145. Dr. Ann-Marie Morrissey,  University of Limerick

146. Dr. Paul Michael Garrett, University of Galway

147. Dr. Matt Prout, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University College Dublin 

148. Dr. Amina Adanan, Maynooth University

149. Dr. Alexa Schindel, State University of New York, Buffalo

150. Dr. Hilla Dayan, Amsterdam University College 

151. Dr. Catherine Ann Cullen, University College Dublin

152. Dr. Máire Ní Mhórdha, Maynooth University

153. Dr. Mary McAuliffe, University College Dublin

154. Dr. Chandana Mathur, Maynooth University, Ireland

155. Dr. Laurence Davis, Department of Government and Politics, University College Cork

156. Dr. Noa Roei, University of Amsterdam 

157. Dr. Maria Lichrou, University of Limerick

158. Dr. Paul Nancarrow, AUS

159. Dr. Nicola Perugini, University of Edinburgh

160. Dr. Fintan Sheerin, Trinity College Dublin

161. Dr. Ellen McCabe, ATU

162. Dr. Orlaith Darling Justus,  Liebig Universitat Giessen

163. Dr. Kate McCarthy, SETU

164. Dr. Ciaran Dawson, University College Cork

165. Dr. Mor Cohen, University of Sheffield

166. Dr. Patrick Anthony, School of History, University College Dublin

167. Dr. Julie Bates, Trinity College Dublin

168. Dr. Claire Dorrity, University College Cork

169. Dr. Niall Hanlon, TU Dublin

170. Dr. Brian Hanley, Trinity College Dublin 

171. Iyas Abu-Hajar, Adjunct Professor, Carleton University

172. TALAHITE Fatiha, Chercheure associée, Université Paris Nanterre 

173. Lapôtre Raphaëlle, Research engineer, EHESS

174. Tamar Ettun, Lecturer, Columbia University

175. Yael Magnes, Teacher, A school in Brooklyn, NY 

176. Amira Saunders, Educator, Los Angeles

177. Erique Zhang, Mx. Northwestern University

178. Dr. Moshe Behar, University of Manchester 

179. Dr. Sultan Doughan, Goldsmiths 

180. Douglas Carson, Design Fellow, UCD School of Architecture

181. Michal Raz, Sociologue, Sesstim

182. Ms Zoë Lawlor, University of Limerick, Ireland

183. Dr. Giulia Gonzales, European University Institute

184. Mr. Eyal Sivan, Filmmaker, Independent Researcher

185. Mr. Elsayed Abdelhamid, The University of Manchester

186. Ahmed Samy Lotf, PhD candidate, Scuola Normale Superiore

187. Adele Moltedo, Doctoral candidate, Scuola Normale Superiore

188. Ruslana Lichtzier, PhD candidate, Art History, Northwestern University/SAIC

189. Ms Annaik Philipps, Scuola Sant'Anna

190. Mrs. Nina Ash, University of Lisbon

191. Arees Bishara, Palestinian woman, Tel Aviv University

192. Ms Mariam Taher, Northwestern 

193. Sbeih SBEIH, Sociologue, Chercheur associé IREMAM 

194. Ms. Lauren Baker, Northwestern University

195. Aino Korvensyrjä, PhD researcher, University of Helsinki

196. Davide Tomaselli, PhD Researcher, European University Institute

197. Lara Fricke, PhD Candidate, University of Exeter, UK

198. Daniel Rozenberg, PhD Candidate, European University Institute

199. Lorna Watters, PhD Candidate, University College Dublin

200. Anton Vandevoorde, PhD candidate, Ghent University

201. Gilad Ben David, PhD candidate, The Graduate Center - CUNY

202. Daphné Budasz, PhD candidate, European University Institute 

203. Maya Herman, PhD candidate, The New School for Social Research 

204. Tamar Ben David, PhD candidate, Ben Gurion University (former HUJI student and TA)

205. Tatiana Anoushian, PhD candidate, Northwestern University

206. Mohammed Nijim, PhD candidate, Carleton University

207. Ms Eimear Ní Mhaoldomhnaigh, University College Cork

208. Ms Shifana Niyas, Trinity College Dublin

209. Mr Mike FitzGibbon, UCC Lecturer Emeritus

210. Mr. Qusai Ibrahim, Atlantic Technological University

211. Ms. Madiha Z Sadiq, European University Institute

212. Ms. Maisie Kelly, Student

213. Mr. Tom O'Connor, Technological University Dublin

214. Miss Emma-Rose Newmeyer, Northwestern University 

215. Ms. Clare Bell, TU Dublin

216. Mr. Niall Sheil, Maynooth University 

217. Mr. Gary Hannon, Human rights activist 

218. Dr.  Elaine Toomey, University of Galway

219. Dr. Niall Whelehan, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

220. Giacomo Graziani, Senior researcher, INFN

221. Michael Chanan, Emeritus Professor, University of Roehampton

222. Dr. Majella Mulkeen, Atlantic Technological University 

223. Alyssa Miller, Postdoctoral Researcher, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

224. Jeneen Naji, Associate Professor,  Maynooth University

225. Professor Mehmet Ugur, University of Greenwich

226. Mr. Jamil Fiorino-Habib, University of Amsterdam

227. Kiran Grewal, Professor, Goldsmiths, University of London

228. Ms. Shell E., Humboldt University of Berlin

229. Mr. Dave Peyton, TU Dublin

230. Mr. Conor Lawlor, ATU Sligo

231. Ms. Elaine O'Mahony, University College Cork

232. Mr. Patrick Hannon, TU Dublin

233. Ms. Fiona O'Connor, The University of Westminster

234. MS. Christine Chasaide, University College Cork Retired Staff

235. Ms. Celia Keenan, IFUT

236. Miss Niamh Rooney, Maynooth University

237. Illan Gonen, Lecturer, Columbia University 

238. Mr Yazan Odeh, YO

239. Ms. Tamar Yaron, Humanist

240. M. Alain Mille, Université Lyon1

241. Mr. David Knight, Technological University Dublin

242. Brian Zuluaga, Student

243. David McDonald, Professor, Indiana University 

244. Dr. Navjot Sangwan, University of Greenwich 

245. Dr. Ruth Ballardie, University of Greenwich

246. Hanan Toukan, Associate Professor, Bard College Berlin 

247. Dr. James Carr, University of Limerick

248. Dr. Sudeep Dasgupta, University of Amsterdam

249. Peter Hill, Assistant Professor in History, Northumbria University, England

250. Dr. Raed Yacoub, Goldsmiths, University of London

251. Dr. Lucia Sorbera, The University of Sydney 

252. Dr. Verena Commins, University of Galway

253. Dr. Brónach Gollogly, TUD (Dublin)

254. Dr. Ciaran Cosgrove, Fellow Emeritus, Trinity College, Dublin 

255. Dr. Paula Gilligan, Senior Lecturer, IADT Dun Laoghaire

256. Dr. Úna Kealy, South East Technological University

257. Professor Lahcen Ameziane, University Mohammed V Rabat, Morocco

258. Azar Masoumi, Assistant Professor, Carleton University

259. Dr. Camilla Fitzsimons, Maynooth University

260. Mr Neil Shean, Maynooth University 

261. Dr. James Beirne, Maynooth University

262. Dr. Jamal Nabulsi, University of Queensland 

263. Ms Tara Ciric, Maynooth University

264. Dr. Rita Sakr, Maynooth University, Ireland

265. Dr. Renee Malone, TU Dublin

266. Dr. Fauzia Ahmad, Goldsmiths, University of London 

267. Jean Tible, Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil)

268. David Wittenberg, University of Iowa

269. Professor Mr. Tshering Phuntsho, Carleton University 

270. Andy Coyne, Carleton University

271. Professor Karen Till, Maynooth University

272. Jen Pylypa, Associate Professor, Carleton University

273. Emma Bider, PhD Candidate, Carleton University 

274. Dr. Phillip Primeau, Carleton University 

275. Dr. Keith Hopper, Atlantic Technological University 

276. Dr. Jan Teurlings, University of Amsterdam

277. Dr. Paul C. Markey, Maynooth University

278. Matthew Hawkins, Associate Professor (teaching), Carleton University

279. Patrick Bresnihan, Professor, Maynooth University

280. Dr. Jesse Olszynko-Gryn, MPIWG

281. Kristen Kowlessar, PhD Candidate, Carleton University

282. Dr. Saygun Gökariksel, Bogazici University 

283. Professor Sonja Brentjes, MPIWG/IAS

284. Dr. Karin Loevy, NYU Law

285. Dr. Niall Meehan, Griffith College Dublin

286. Dr. Smadar Ben-Natan, University of Washington, Seattle 

287. Meysoon Amin, PhD Candidate, Carleton University

288. Dr. Rhoda Kanaaneh, Fordham University

289. Adi M. Ophir, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University, Visiting Professor, Brown University

290. Dr. Diego Montagner, Maynooth University

291. Dr. Lamarche Karine, Researcher, CNRS

292. Dr. Tehila Sasson, Emory University

293. Danny Fox, Anshen Chomsky Professor in Language and Thought, MIT

294. Amy Smith, Lecturer in History, USM

295. Nimanthi Rajasingham, Associate Professor, Colgate University 

296. Adrien Zakar, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto

297. Cemil Aydin, Professor of History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

298. Dr. Peter Slezak, University of New South Wales

299. Professor Jihane Sfeir, Université libre de Bruxelles

300. Ayça Çubukçu, Associate Professor in Human Rights, London School of Economics and 301. Political Science

302. Dr. Gozde Kilic, European University Institute

303. Aziz Alazmeh, University Professor Emeritus, Central European University 

304. Professor Jennifer Olmsted, Drew University

305. Dr. Nurhak Polat, Bremen University

306. Julian Casanova, Professor of History, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain

307. Dr. Louis Blin, European University Institute, Florence

308. Dr. Candice Raymond, CNRS / Panthéon-Sorbonne University

309. Malak El-Outa, MA, Carleton University

310. Professor Shay Hazkani, University of Maryland, College Park

311. Dr. Sabine Broeck, Professor, University of Bremen, emerita

312. Dr. Maria Holt, University of Westminster 

313. Dr. Carolyn Ramzy, Carleton University 

314. Lior Sternfeld, Associate Professor of History and Jewish Studies, Penn State

315. Ms. Syeda Masood, Brown University

316. Muhannad Ayyash, Professor of Sociology, Mount Royal University 

317. Carrie Hawks, Assistant Professor, The New School

318. Kelly Fritsch, Associate Professor, Carleton University

319. Dr. Zareena Grewal, Yale University

320. MJ St-Pierre, Teaching Assistant, Carleton University

321. Miss Jana Omar Elkhatib, MFA Candidate, Literary Arts - Fiction, Brown University

322. Louise Sarsfield Collins, Maynooth University

323. Dr. Marie-Eve Carrier-Moisan, Carleton University

324. Diane L Wolf, Professor Emerita, University of California, Davis

325. Nadia Fadil, Associate Professor, KULeuven 

326. Dr. Brian McCann, Atlantic Technological University 

327. Leanna First-Arai, PhD Candidate, University College Dublin

328. Dr. Claire Debucquois, FNRS

329. Ms. Suzanne Kennedy, Carleton University

330. James Dickins, Prof. (Emeritus), University of Leeds

331. Dr. Gary Hussey, University College Dublin 

332. Dr. Rhiannon Bandiera, Maynooth University 

333. Dr. Kenneth MacLeish, Vanderbilt University

334. Dr. Ghada Ageel, Political Science- University of Alberta 

335. Dr. Heather Etchevers    Inserm, Aix-Marseille Université

336. Dr. Marc Siegel, Professor, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz

337. Dr. Larry Stillman, Hon Senior Research Fellow, Monash University 

338. Roí Ankori-Karlinsky, Mphil, Columbia University 

339. Professor Anne Meneley, Dept of Anthropology, Trent University

340. Simona Sharoni, Dean, International Initiatives & Global Engagement, Merrimack College

341. Dr. Wendy Pearlman, Northwestern University

342. Dr. Uril Horesh, University of St Andrews

343. Professor Benjamin H. Johnson, Loyola University Chicago

344. Dr. Noa Shaindlinger, Worcester State University 

345. Dr. Derek Cawley, Spine surgeon

346. Ted Swedenburg, Professor Emeritus, University of Arkansas

347. Issam Nassar, Emeritus Professor, Illinois State University

348. Dr. Lauren Banko, University of Manchester

349. Issam Aburay, Associate Professor, Department of Religion, Seton Hall University

350. Dr. Francesco Correale, CNRS - UMR 7323 CITERES, Tours

351. Stacy Fahrenthold, Associate Professor of History, University of California Davis

352. Katharina Galor, Hirschfeld Senior Lecturer in Judaic Studies, Brown University 

353. Professor Nadje Al-Ali, Brown University 

354. Dr. Judit Druks, UCL, London

355. Dr. Tony King, National University of Ireland

356. Professor Hoda Elsadda, Cairo University

357. Professor Kathryn Spellman, Columbia University 

358. Amahl Bishara, Associate Professor, Tufts University

359. Dr. Taïeb Berrada, Lehigh University

360. Professor Nicola Pratt, University of Warwick 

361. Dr. Kate Davison, University of Edinburgh 

362. Professor Hanan Hammad, TCU

363. Professor James McDougall, Trinity College, Oxford

364. Professor Koen Bogaert, Ghent University 

365. Dr. Paul Norton, Griffith University 

366. Dr. Somdeep Sen, Roskilde University

367. Annie McGrew, PhD Student, University of Massachusetts Amherst

368. Professor Mark LeVine, Department of History, UC Irvine

369. Professor Ahmad H. Sa'di, Independent 

370. Dr.. Asma Abbas, Bard College at Simon’s Rock

371. Dr. Lara Sheehi, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies

372. Bengi Akbulut, Associate Professor, Concordia University

373. Professor Radhika Balakrishnan, Rutgers University 

374. Dr. Mandy Turner, Security in Context 

375. Dr.  Smita Ramnarain, University of Rhode Island

376. Benjamin FERRON, Lecturer, East-Paris University

377. Professor Eva Cherniavsky, University of Washington

378. Harvey Stark, Associate Professor & Chair, California State University, Sacramento

379. Professor Timothy Mitchell, Columbia University

380. Professor Lena Imeraj, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

381. Professor Michaelle Browers, Wake Forest University 

382. Jemma Vercruysse, Student, University Ghent 

383. Professor Madina Thiam, New York University

384. Ms. Briana Salas, University of Illinois Chicago

385. Professor Farida Khan, University of Colorado Colorado Springs

386. Shira Klein, Associate Professor of History, Chapman University 

387. Dina M Siddiqi, Clinical Associate Professor, New York University 

388. Mg Bethsabé Andía, Independent researcher

389. Professor Rebecca Ruth Gould, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London

390. Salim Tamari, Professor Emeritus, Birzeit University

391. Günseli Berik, Professor Emerita, University of Utah

392. Professor Jayati Ghosh, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA

393. MS Jorge Vega, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

394. Kanchana N Ruwanpura, Professor - Development Geography, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

395. Dr. Eftychia Mylona, Leiden University 

396. Dr. Claudia Dellacasa, University College Dublin

397. Dr. Marwan Darweish, Coventry University 

398. Rela Mazali, Writer & Independent scholar

399. Professor Peter Cole, Western Illinois University 

400. Dr. Noirin Mac Namara, Postdoctoral Researcher, Maynooth University 

401. Dr. Fulvio Bertuccelli, Adjunct Professor, Università di Bologna 

402. Alyssa Bivins, PhD Candidate, The George Washington University 

403. Siobhán Smith, PhD Researcher, European University Institute 

404. Dr. Teodora Todorova, University of Warwick 

405. Alessandra Mezzadri, Reader in Global Development, SOAS

406. Professor Izzat Darwazeh, University College London

407. Professor André Mazawi, UBC

408. Professor Rocio Lorca, University of Chile

409. Dr. Jacqui O’Riordan, University College Cork (Retired)

410. Dr. Jeanne Koopman, African Studies Center

411. Tanabe Yoshimi, Assistant Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

412. Professor Sari Hanafi,    American University of Beirut

413. Seurat Leila, Researcher, Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies

414. Judith Butler, Distinguished Professor in the Graduate School, UC Berkeley, University of California, Berkeley

415. Riccardo Bocco, Emeritus Professor, The Geneva Graduate Institute

416. Pinto Louis, `directeur de recherche émrite, CNRS

417. Professor Yves Sintomer, Paris 8 University

418. Dr. Abdellali Hajjat, Université libre de Bruxelles

419. Todd Shepard, Arthur O. Lovejoy Professor of History, The Johns Hopkins University 

420. Yi-Chun Tricia Lin, Chair and Professor of Women's & Gender Studies, Southern Connecticut State University

421. Dr. Anthony Gorman, University of Edinburgh

422. Héla Yousfi, Associate Professor, Université Paris Dauphine PSL

423. Professor Yasmeen Abu-Laban, University of Alberta

424. Raphael Sassower, Professor of Philosophy, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

425. Professor Marianne Hirsch, Columbia University

426. Professor Omri Boehm, The New School for Social Research 

427. Professor Nadim Rouhana, Tufts University

428. Erica Sigmon, Alumnus, New York University

429. Professor Susan Slyomovics, UCLA

430. Professor Kimberly Katz, Towson University

431. Sophie Richter-Devroe, Associate Professor, Hamad Bin Khalifa University

432. Professor Stef Craps, Ghent University

433. Yasmine Ramadan, Associate Professor, University of Iowa 

434. David Theo Goldberg, Distinguished Professor, University of California, Irvine

435. Dr. Paula Gilligan, IADT Dun Laoghaire Dublin

436. Mohammad Maidul Islam, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Chittagong 

437. Professor Ronak Kapadia, University of Illinois Chicago

438. Glenn Bowman, Emeritus Professor, former Lady Davis Fellow, University of Kent

439. Dr. Maria Menesez, CES - Coimbra University

440. Stephen Sheehi, Sultan Qaboos Professor of Middle East Studies, William and Mary 

441. Dr. Mahdis Azarmandi, University of Canterbury

442. Dr. Renee Levant, an Independent scholar

443. Prof. Zofia Łapniewska, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland

444. Dr. Monish Bhatia, University of York

445. Professor Michelle Campos, Penn State University

446. Sindre Bangstad, Research Professor, KIFO, Oslo, Norway 

447. Professor Anders Neergaard, Linköping University

448. Michelle Twali, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, New York University 

449. Professor Liron Mor, UC Irvine 

450. Professor Matt Sakakeeny, Tulane University

451. Jeremy Moses, Associate Professor, University of Canterbury

452. Professor Lila Abu-Lughod, Columbia University

453. Professor Ann Phoenix, UCL

454. Professor Ahuvia Kahane, Trining College Dublin

455. Professor Santiago Slabodsky, Hofstra University

456. Professor Elizabeth Shakman Hurd, Northwestern University

457. Zahra Ali, Assistant Professor, Rutgers University-Newark

458. Professor Gary Fields, University of California, San Diego

459. Professor  Nina Zhiri, UC San Diego 

460. Gerald Roche, Associate Professor, La Trobe University

461. Professor Lerna Ekmekcioglu, McMillan-Stewart Associate Professor of History, MIT

462. Anne de Jong, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Amsterdam

463. Dr. Josephine Varghese, Lecturer, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

464. Dana Francisco Miranda, Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston

465. Dr. Leigh-Ann Naidoo, University of Cape Town

466. Professor Judith Rodenbeck, University of California, Riverside

467. Professor Judith Rodenbeck, University of California, Riverside

468. Andrés Henao Castro, Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston

469. Professor Adam Miyashiro, Stockton University

470. Kerwin Kaye, Associate Professor, Wesleyan University

471. Dr. Marina Calculli, Columbia University 

472. Professor Asad Ghanem, University of Haifa

473. Professor Heidi Grunebaum, University of the Western Cape 

474. Dr. Soleman Abu-Bader, Howard University 

475. Professor Robert Cliver, Cal Poly Humboldt

476. Umaira Khan, PhD Student, University of Houston

477. Professor Marwan Dwairy            

478. Dr. Maestro, Nabil Azzam, MESTO Orchestra 

479. Professor Rebecca Comay, University of Toronto 

480. Prof. Dr. Khalid Ghanayim, University of Haifa

481. Dr. Mansour Nasasra, BGU

482. Dr. Emad Mohamed, University of Bradford 

483. Ken Fero, Assistant Professor, Coventry University 

484. Professor Ashraf Brik 

485. Professor Ibrahim Abdulhalim, BGU

486. Professor  Hmoud Salem, The University of Jordan 

487. Dr. Manal Yazbak Abu Ahmad, Lecturer, Sakhnin College

488. Professeur émérite Jocelyne Dakhlia, École des Hautes Études en sciences sociales 

489. Mahmoud Mi’ari, Professor of Sociology, Birzeit University

490. Lamese Bashir, Lecturer, Sakhnin College for Teacher Education 

491. Amelie Blom, Associate Professor, Sciences Po Lyon 

492. Professor Epstein Renaud, Sciences Po Saint Germain en Laye

493. Dr. Lisa Hajjar, UCSB

494. Professor Nihaya Daoud, Ben-Gurion University

495. Professor Nur Masalha, SOAS, University of London

496. Cecile Jouhanneau, Associate Professor, University Paul Valery Montpellier, France

497. Professor Eugenia Siapera, University College Dublin

498. Jihad Harb-Mansour, PhD student, The Open University

499. Hourya Bentouhami, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès

500. Dr. Judith Naeff, Leiden University

501. Professor Siggie Vertommen, University of Amsterdam

502. Dr. Juan Felipe Duque, UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles

503. Professor Ayman Agbaria, Haifa University

504. Professor David Jamar, UMONS

505. Professor Ouali Nouria, Université libre de Bruxelles

506. Ms. Clare Ryan, University of Limerick 

507. Dr. Elias Zeidan, University of Haifa

508. Professeur Porteilla Raphaël, science politique, Université de bourgogne

509. Dr. Claire Marynower, Assistant Professor, Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA (France)

510. Professor Emeritus Jan Moreb, University of Florida

511. Professor Khaled Furani, Tel-Aviv University 

512. Iman EL FEKI, PhD Candidate, Université de Strasbourg, France

513. Professor Irene van Staveren, Erasmus University Rotterdam

514. Dr. Kawthar Jabir-Kassoum, Sakhnin College

515. Professor Yasir Suleiman, Cambridge

516. Gjovalin Macaj, Assistant Professor, Leiden University

517. Ilham Skah, Student, Oslomet 

518. Prof. Dr. Leslie BARY,  University of Louisiana

519. Dr. Patricia McManus, University of Brighton 

520. Prof. Serge Deruette, University of Mons

521. Nabila El-Bassel, University Professor, Columbia University

522. Professor Khawla Abu Baker, Private Practice

523. Loïs Mallet, Doctorant de philosophie politique, Université Paris Cité (LCSP)

524. Muhamad Pamungkas, Student, Coventry University

525. Professor Alex Lubin,      Pennsylvania State University 

526. M. Etienne Cherchour, Aix-Marseille Uni

527. Ms. Oona SOLA, SciencesPo Aix - University of Aix Marseille, France

528. Zachary Levenson, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Florida International University 

529. Professor Falquet Jules, Parisn8 St Denis University

530. Jyoti Puri, Professor of Sociology, Simmons University 

531. Dr. Ali Fattom, University of Michigan

532. Professeur honoraire Guy Lebeer, Université libre de Bruxelles

533. Professor Erika Gubrium, Oslo Metropolitan University

534. Professor Claire Hancock, Université Paris-Est Créteil

535. Dr. Leila Mouhib, Université libre de Bruxelles / Université de Mons

536. Dr. Gaurav Jashnani, City University of New York

537. Professor Priyamvada Gopal, UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, UK

538. Dr. Raef Zreik, Van leer institute

539. Professor Myriam Houssay-Holzschuch, Université Grenoble Alpes (France)

540. Iyas  Salim Abu-hajiar, Adjunct Professor, Carleton University 

541. Dr. Bénédicte Rivet, Centre Max Weber, France

542. Dr. Annu Dahiya, York College, City University of New York

543. Professor Karem Sakallah, University of Michigan

544. Dr. Fanny VUAILLAT, Université Grenoble Alpes (France)

545. Ann Laura Stoler, Professor of Anthropology, New School for Social Research, New York

546. Dr. Jeff Handmaker, Associate Professor of Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam

547. Dr. Heta Rundgren, LEGS, France

548. Professor Mark Drury, Colgate University

549. Professor David Lyon, Queen's University

550. Prof. Corsi Marcella, Sapienza University of Rome

551. Dr. Maya Aguiluz-Ibargüen, National Autonomous University of México (UNAM)

552. Mrs Charlotte Shama, illustrator

553. Alireza Doostdar, Associate Professor, University of Chicago

554. Talal Asad, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Retired from CUNY Graduate Center, New York

555. David Motzafi-Haller, PhD candidate, IHEID Geneva

556. Dr. Erica Weiss, Tel Aviv University 

557. Dr. Heike Breitenbach,   Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

558. Dr. Victoria Delaney, Independent Scholar 

559. Heather Davis, Assistant Professor of Culture and Media, The New School

560. Professor Ebrahim Moosa, University of Notre Dame

561. Danilyn Rutherford, Emerita Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz

562. Dr Irene van Oorschot, Erasmus University Rotterdam

563. Mr François Pradal, Responsable recherche- Campus France

564. Dr. Ammara Maqsood, University College London

566. Professor Shahla Haeri, Boston University

567. Dr. Alessandra Spadaro, Utrecht University

568. Dr Yoga Nathan, School of Medicine University of Limerick, Ireland

569. Professeur Le Cour Grandmaison, Olivier, Université Paris-Saclay-Evry-Val-d'Essonne

570. Dr. Soha Bayoumi, Johns Hopkins University

571. Professor Xiao-yuan Dong, University of Winnipeg

572. Professor Islam Dayeh, Ghent University

573. Professor of Economics Emerita, Mary King, Portland State University

574. Dr. Gwen D'Arcangelis, Skidmore College

575. Ms Punam Khosla, Independent Scholar

576. Dr. Shamil Jeppie, University of Cape Town 

577. Professor Geraldine Atkins-Siddiq, Delaware State University

578. Prof. Anneeth Kaur Hundle, UCI School of Education      

579. Dr. Ellen Reynor (ret) Dublin City University

580. Professor Sunera Thobani, University of British Columbia

581. Dr Zara Sharif Erasmus University Rotterdam

582. Professor Emeritus of Jewish Thought, Paul Mendes-Flohr, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

583. Professor Ofra Goldstein-Gidoni, Tel Aviv University 

584. Dr Gala Rexer, University College London

585. Noa Schumacher, PHD candidate, Université Grenoble Alpes

586. Professor Galia Patt-Shamir, Tel Aviv University

587. Mr. Tim Kelly, Coventry University

588. Dr. Catherine Palmer, Munster Technological University

589. Professor Emerita Kamala Kempadoo, York University, Toronto

590. Dr. Giulia Liberatore, University of Edinburgh

591. Dr. Amanda Kramer, Queen's University Belfast

592. Dr. Michael Pierse, Queen's University Belfast

593. Seloua LUSTE BOULBINA, Université Paris Cité

594. Dr. Michael G Cronin, Maynooth University

595. Dr. Maayan Ravid, University of Haifa

596. Professor  Tore Linné Eriksen, Oslo Metropolitan University

597. Lotte Buch Segal, Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology,   University of Edinburgh

598. Dr. Lise Landrin, Université du luxembourg

599. Professor Niloofar Haerim Johns Hopkins University

600. Gabriel Semerene, Doctoral candidate, University of Brasilia

601. Dr.  Shaira Vadasaria, University of Edinburgh 

602. Christiane VOLLAIRE, Philosophe, CNAM

603. Dr. Melissa Weiner, Professor of Sociology, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA, USA

604. Professor Na’ama Rokem, University of Chicago

605. Dr. Des. Rana Brentjes, MPIWG

606. Dr. Sheba Tejani , King's College London

607. Professor Amanda Haynes, University of Limerick

608. Dr. Thomas V.H. Hagen,ARKIVET Peace and Human Rights Center

609. Dr. Sinead Kennedy, Maynooth University

610. Dr. Rola El-Husseini, Associate Professor, Lund University

611. Richard Uttich, University Librarian (retired), Chicago, Illinois

612. De. Rushaan Kumar, Colorado College

613. Dr. Tracy W. Harachi, University of Washington

614. Professor Shahnaaz Suffla, University of South Africa 

615. Rawiya SHANTY, Clinical Criminology & psychotherapist, Independent 

616. Prof. Ipek Ilkkaracan, Istanbul Technical University

617. Danielle Dinovelli-Lang, Associate Professor, Carleton University

618.Hèla Yousfi, Associate Professor, Université Paris-dauphine

619. Jordan Skinner, he/him, Princeton University 

620. Dr. Ingrid Rodrick Beiler, Associate Professor, Oslo Metropolitan University

621. Professor Hege Hermansen, OsloMet

622. Professor Sarah Bracke, University of Amsterdam

623. Berit Mortensen, Associate Professor , Oslo Metropolitan Univerdity

624. Dr. Anders Riel Müller, University of Stavanger

625. Dr. Olav Elgvin, University of Bergen

626. Dr. Gillian McNaull, Ulster University

627. Ms. Emily Cracolici, University of Chicago

628. Professor Alys Weinbaum, University of Washington, Seattle

629. Ken Ehrlich, Faculty, California Institute of the Arts

630. Professor Sioux McKenna, Rhodes University South Africa