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Here Are The Top 10 Sugar Baby Universities In Canada For 2021

These students are making BANK.

SeekingArrangement, a popular sugar baby dating site, has just dropped a list of the top sugar baby universities in Canada for 2021. 

According to the data, over 350,000 post-secondary students in the country are on the dating site to find a sugar daddy or mama to help support them financially

Editor's Choice: Canada's Rank In Global Passport Power Was Just Revealed & We Beat Out The US

$2,400 Average monthly allowance, plus other benefits.  

The top sugar baby universities in Canada are as follows:

  • University of Toronto
  • University of Alberta
  • Queen's University 
  • Ryerson University
  • Wilfrid Laurier University 
  • York University 
  • University of Guelph
  • Dalhousie University 
  • McGill University
  • Mount Royal University 

At the top of the list, there are 257 U of T students on SeekingArrangement. 

At the bottom, there are 104 Mount Royal University students on the site. 

Across the country, there are 698,456 female sugar babies and 125,165 male ones using SeekingArrangement.

On the other end of the bargain, there are 250,789 sugar daddies and 32,546 sugar mamas in Canada.

While there are two Alberta universities on the list, there are none in the top 10 from B.C. and the rest are located in Eastern Canada. 

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